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Romanian Electricity Market Overview

1. Second largest economy in CEE with increasing foreign direct investments and solid growth prospects

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Romania Attracting a Large Proportion of CEE Funds
Allocation of EU structural funds 2014–2020

The EU Structural Funds for 2021-2030 focusing on renewable energy development:
▷ €12 billion EU funds for modernization of the Romania National Energy System for 2022 2030
▷ €1,6 billion EU funds for National Recovery and Resilience Plan for 2022 2030
▷ finance up to 70% 

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Competitive fully liberalized electricity market unbundling vertically integrated operators but falling production and growing trade deficit.
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4. Evolution of Energy Import/Export in Romania:
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Net Electricity Production Mix
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Ambitious RES target assumed by the Romanian Government by 2030 boosts investments in renewable projects to fill the existing capacity gap
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Potential of the Romanian Renewable Energy Sources (2020)
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Solar Capacity in Romania (MW)

Total installed Solar capacity in Romania has been at a flat level since 2014 when the RES support scheme was amended by the Romanian Government

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Key Solar Players in Romania:

7. Romania's energy policy

 The National Integrated Climate Change – Energy Plan (PNIESC 2021-2030), establishes the need for new E-RES production capacities to be installed in wind farms in Romania (page 54):
• New Solar power installed by 2025: 2031 MW.
• New Solar power installed by 2030: 3692 MW.
 The Government of Romania approved PNIESC2021-2030 through Decision 1076 from the 4th of October 2021.
 The European Commission has announced that 38% of Romania's energy consumption must be from renewable sources by 2030 

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Indicative trajectory of the installed net capacity, by source until 2030 (MW)

Our vision is based on a permanent challenge to build solid, sustainable partnerships based on trust, professionalism and confidentiality to capitalize on opportunities, increase efficiency and raise the bar in terms of project
Laura Ciuhu / CEO

Laura Ciuhu / CEO

+40 722 543 650
office@laraconsulting .ro

OLY Barbălată / PARTNER

+40 769 250 297

Dan Florea / PARTNER

Georgiana Havrileț / PARTNER

+40 740 016 158